Palm oil impact on environment

Date: October 29, 2014/ Industry news/ Chat online Leave a message
Although the rapid expansion of the palm oil industry in recent decades has generated considerable economic growth in tropical developing countries, this development has come at high cost to the environment.
palm oil impact
Palm oil plantations

Millions of hectares of tropical forests have been destroyed to make way for oil palm plantations, in the process destroying critical habitat for endangered species, including orangutans, tigers, elephants, and rhinos.

Palm oil impacts on environment:
a> Biodiversity  loss, including loss of rare and endangered species
b> Pollution of soil, air, and water
c> Soil erosion
d> Greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions and climate change
e> Loss of key ecosystem services

However, the palm oil industry is vital to the economies of Indonesia and Malaysia, as well as other developing countries, so simply calling a halt on production is not a viable option. The challenge, therefore, is to ensure that future expansion of plantations does not occur at the expense of natural ecosystems. Safeguarding environmental value, such as the protection of biodiversity and community rights, should be an integral part of plantation management.

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